Natural gas
The entities obliged to maintain minimum security stocks and the diversification of natural gas assume various obligations to CORES beginning on the start date corresponding to the Statement of Compliance approved by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. The commencement date can be delayed as long as a justified request to do so is made to the Ministry and it receives its approval.
Obligation to maintain minimum security stocks
The obligation to maintain minimum security stocks of natural gas in Spain is calculated based on the previous year’s confirmed sales or consumption. The obliged entities must maintain at all times 10 days of strategic stocks, 10 days of minimum operating stocks of the system and the days of minimum operating stocks of the user calculated annually according to article 4 of Order TED/72/2023, as of 26th January, based on the filling trajectory indicated in article 6 of that Order. Before 10th February, CORES will notify each obligated entity the amount of its obligation to maintain minimum security stocks.
In their first year of activity, new obligated entities substitute the eligible sales form for a sales forecast approved by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. In the case of direct consumers that are availing themselves of the right to access for the first time, their obligation can be calculated based on their confirmed consumption of the previous year.
Obligation to pay the fee
All entities obliged to maintain stocks are compelled to financially support CORES activities, paying annual contributions (fees) based on their sales or consumption. The obligated entities must submit an annual sales report and the corresponding payment, by means of self-assessment, in accordance with the sales of the year prior to the year the declaration is being made.
Obligation to send in periodic information
The entities obliged to maintain minimum security stocks and the diversification of natural gas must send in the following information to CORES using the infoCores platform:
- Before the 20th of each month, the monthly forms corresponding to the 15 December 2008 Resolution of the Directorate-General of Energy and Mining Policy.
- Before 5th February, the form on eligible sales or consumption for the calculation of minimum security stocks.
- Before 30th April, the annual sales report.
- Before 30th April, a list of imports by country of origin corresponding to the previous calendar year.
In addition to the entities obliged to maintain stocks, the distributors, carriers and the System Technical Manager have to provide the following information to CORES, making it possible to verify the data submitted by the obligated entities:
- Monthly forms corresponding to the 15th December 2008 Resolution of the Directorate-General of Energy and Mining Policy
Additionally, the System Technical Manager must submit to CORES before 15th January the available capacity of basic underground storages on 1st April.
All forms are available on the calendar of obligations.
infoCores is the secure information exchange platform that CORES has designed to ensure security and facilitate management of the information submitted by all the entities obliged to do so. Access to infoCores requires the digital signature corresponding to the company representative having the appropriate authorisation, which will be verified, in order to present the documentation to CORES. One entity can register various representatives.