Consultancy to Public Administration Bodies and working groups

CORES was formed more than 25 years ago, and in this time it has become a benchmark player in the hydrocarbon sector. It provides technical support to the public Spanish administration and regularly participates in diverse forums and work groups on a national and international level, contributing to promoting Spain’s image as a model of efficiency and energy security.

European Commission

CORES participates as technical support for the Spanish government in the following European Commission work groups:

  • Oil and Petroleum Product Coordination Group. Advisory group created under Directive 2009/119, focused on analysing the security of supply situation for oil and petroleum products and facilitating the coordination and application of measures in this area. It meets twice yearly and, amongst other matters, studies Community regulations with regard to stocks. CORES participates in this group as technical support for the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.
  • Gas Coordination Group. Established by a Commission decision of 11 August 2011 to coordinate security of supply measures with regard to natural gas, it meets at least twice a year. CORES participates as technical support for the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.
  • Eurostat energy statistics group. Group focused on the standardisation and development of energy statistics in the EU. As the official statistics reference for the hydrocarbon sector in various chapters of the National Statistical Plan, CORES attends these annual meetings together with the Sub-directorate General of Hydrocarbons, the General office of renewable energies and studies of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, the INE (National Statistics Institute) and the IDAE (Institute for Energy Diversification and Savings).

International Energy Agency (IEA)

CORES participates as technical support for the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge in the following groups of the International Energy Agency:

  • SEQ, Standing Group on Emergency Questions, responsible for coordinating the joint actions agreed upon by the IEA in the event of an international supply crisis. It meets three times a year.  
  • SOM, Standing Group on the Oil Market. Responsible for analysing the evolution of the world oil market. Its conclusions are used as a support mechanism for IEA member countries. It meets three times a year, coinciding with the SEQ Group meetings.
  • Energy Statistics Co-operation. Its goal is to promote co-operation between the IEA and the different members on matters regarding statistical information, through annual meetings.

ACOMES (Annual Coordinating Meeting of Entity Stockholders)

International strategic stockholding entities participate in this annual forum in order to compare best practices, knowledge and experience. 

There are three work groups at the heart of ACOMES in which CORES also participates:

  • Best Practiques Group
  • Fuel Quality Management Group
  • Crude Oil Stocks Management Group

Hydrocarbon Advisory Council

Advisory body of the now-defunct National Energy Commission, which maintains its functions until the constitution of the Energy Advisory Council, created under Law 3/2013 of 4 June, on the creation of the National Markets and Competition Commission. CORES’ Chairwoman participates in the Council.

Technical Management of the Gas System Regulations Work Group

Technical Management of the Gas System Regulations (NGTS), approved and published in Order ITC/3126/2005, establish the relationships among the different players in the system and the corresponding action procedures, in order to ensure the continuity and security of the gas supply. This group, which comprises all gas system players including the government and industry, reviews and updates said regulations on a monthly basis.

Gas System Follow-Up Committee

Gas System Follow-Up Committee was created, in accordance with the NGTS, as an organisation designed to provide operational monitoring of the system, coordination among the different players acting within it, presentation of information on operational plans of a temporary scope, and any other matter of interest in system monitoring. Convened and led by Enagas, it meets once every two months and its meetings are attended by representatives of all the system’s players, including both industry and the administration.

The Agents Committee for the Iberian Gas Market

Cores attends as a guest, as contemplated by the regulations, the meetings of The Agents Committe for the Iberian Gas Market.

CORES contributes to promoting the image of Spain as a benchmark in energy security

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